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Á sameiginlegri jörð | Korpúlfsstaðir 2020
Þema sýningarinnar er sú áhugaverð staðreynd að viðurkenna þarf vaxandi fjölbreytileika samfélag okkar og skapa þarf sameiginlegan grundvöll til að skiptast á hugmyndum og stuðla að gagnkvæmum skilningi.

Verkið Róla er þátttöku verk, unnið út frá endurminning listamannsins frá bernskuárum í sveit. Verkinu fylgir bók sem safnar sögum þátttakenda bæði af upplifun og endurminningum. Rólan býður upp á samveru og  persónulega upplifun einstaklinga allt að 10 manns geta rólað í einu.

Efni: Viður og kaðall. róla 3.5 m x 0,75 m hæð/kaðall 5 metrar.

On Common Ground | Exhibition at Korpúlfsstaðir 2020
On Common Ground was conceived as an invitational exhibition to bring together Icelandic artists and artists from Lithuania and Poland who are presently living and working in Iceland.

As immigration to Iceland has increased over the past decades (mostly from Lithuania and Poland, but from other countries as well), so have immigrants contributed to the vibrant cultural life of the country. The purpose of this exhibition is to acknowledge the growing diversity of our community and create a common ground on which to exchange ideas and promote mutual understanding.